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Python PyInstaller Module Report

PyInstaller is a popular Python library that bundles Python applications into standalone executables, under Windows, Linux, and macOS. It simplifies the process of distributing Python programs by including the Python interpreter and all necessary dependencies into a single package.


PyInstaller converts Python applications into standalone executables. This eliminates the need for end-users to have Python installed on their machines. It packages the Python interpreter, all required libraries, and the application code into a single executable file.


You can install PyInstaller using pip, Python’s package installer.

pip install pyinstaller

Basic Usage

Creating a Simple Executable

To create an executable file, you use the pyinstaller command followed by the script you want to package.

Example: Basic Executable

Suppose you have a Python script named

print("Hello, world!")

To create an executable, run:


This command generates several files and directories, including:

  • dist/hello (the standalone executable)
  • build/ (temporary files)
  • hello.spec (the spec file)

You can find the executable in the dist/ directory.

Including Additional Files

If your application depends on additional files (e.g., data files, configuration files), you need to include them in the package.

Example: Including Files

Create a Python script,

import sys

def main():
    with open('data.txt', 'r') as f:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Create a data.txt file with some content:

This is some sample data.

To include data.txt in the executable, use the --add-data option:

pyinstaller --add-data "data.txt;."

The --add-data option specifies additional files. The syntax is "source_path;destination_path", where . denotes the current directory.

Advanced Configuration

Spec Files

PyInstaller uses a spec file to customize the build process. This file is automatically generated when you first run pyinstaller.

Example: Editing a Spec File

Edit the hello.spec file to include additional data or change configurations:

# hello.spec
# -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-

block_cipher = None

a = Analysis(
    datas=[('data.txt', '.')],  # Add data files

Rebuild the executable using the spec file:

pyinstaller hello.spec

Customizing the Executable

You can customize the executable by setting options in the spec file or using command-line arguments.

Example: Setting an Icon

To set an icon for your executable, use the --icon option:

pyinstaller --icon=app.ico

Handling Hidden Imports

If your application dynamically imports modules, you might need to specify hidden imports.

Example: Specifying Hidden Imports

pyinstaller --hidden-import=module_name

Cross-Platform Builds

PyInstaller can create executables for different platforms. However, you typically need to build the executable on the target platform. For example, to create a Windows executable, you should run PyInstaller on Windows.

Example: Building for Windows on Linux

Use tools like Wine to build Windows executables from Linux:

wine pyinstaller

Error Handling and Debugging

Common issues during packaging include missing modules or incorrect paths. To troubleshoot, use the --debug option:

pyinstaller --debug=all

Check the build/ directory for logs and temporary files that might help in diagnosing issues.

Best Practices

  1. Test on Target Platforms: Test the executable on the target platform to ensure compatibility.
  2. Use Virtual Environments: Build executables within a virtual environment to avoid dependency conflicts.
  3. Handle Large Files: For large files, consider using compression or splitting into multiple packages.
  4. Update Regularly: Keep PyInstaller and dependencies updated to avoid issues with newer Python versions or libraries.
  5. Review the Spec File: Customize and review the spec file to tailor the build process to your needs.


The PyInstaller module provides a powerful and flexible way to package Python applications into standalone executables. By understanding its features and configurations, you can create executables that simplify distribution and ensure your applications run smoothly on various platforms.

For more information and detailed usage, refer to the PyInstaller documentation.