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Linux nano Commands


nano is a simple and user-friendly text editor for the command line. It is often used for editing configuration files and scripting. This document provides a guide to common nano commands and operations.

Basic Commands

Open a File

To open a file in nano, simply specify the file name.

nano <file_name>


nano example.txt
# Opens 'example.txt' in the nano editor

Save Changes

To save changes while editing, press Ctrl + O (Write Out), then press Enter to confirm the file name.


  1. Edit the file.
  2. Press Ctrl + O.
  3. Press Enter.

Exit nano

To exit nano, press Ctrl + X. If you have unsaved changes, nano will prompt you to save them.


  1. Press Ctrl + X.
  2. If prompted to save changes, press Y (Yes) or N (No).

Cut Text

To cut text, use Ctrl + K. This will cut the current line or selected text.


  1. Place the cursor on the line you want to cut.
  2. Press Ctrl + K.
  3. The line will be removed and stored in the clipboard.

Paste Text

To paste text that was cut or copied, use Ctrl + U.


  1. Move the cursor to the location where you want to paste.
  2. Press Ctrl + U.

Copy Text

To copy text, use Ctrl + ^ to set the mark, move the cursor to select the text, and then press Ctrl + K to cut. Paste it using Ctrl + U.


  1. Press Ctrl + ^ to set the mark.
  2. Move the cursor to select the text.
  3. Press Ctrl + K to cut the selected text.
  4. Move the cursor to the paste location.
  5. Press Ctrl + U to paste.

Search for Text

To search for text within the file, press Ctrl + W (Where Is), then enter the search term and press Enter.


  1. Press Ctrl + W.
  2. Enter the search term.
  3. Press Enter.

Replace Text

To replace text, press Ctrl + \ (Replace), then enter the search term, press Enter, enter the replacement term, and press Enter.


  1. Press Ctrl + \.
  2. Enter the search term.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Enter the replacement term.
  5. Press Enter.

Go to Line Number

To move the cursor to a specific line number, press Ctrl + _ (Underscore), enter the line number, and press Enter.


  1. Press Ctrl + _.
  2. Enter the line number (e.g., 10).
  3. Press Enter.

Show Line Numbers

To enable line numbers, press Ctrl + C to view the current line number, or check the status bar for line numbers.


  1. Press Ctrl + C to view the current line number.
  2. Check the status bar at the bottom of the editor.


nano is a powerful yet easy-to-use text editor that allows you to efficiently edit files from the command line. Understanding these basic commands will help you navigate and modify files effectively. For more detailed information, refer to the nano man pages by running man nano in the terminal.