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Git Branch Commands


The git branch command is used to manage branches in a Git repository. Branches allow you to work on separate features or fixes independently from the main codebase. This document covers the basic and advanced usage of git branch.

Listing Branches

git branch

Lists all local branches in the repository.

git branch


git branch

This command lists all local branches and highlights the current branch with an asterisk.

git branch -r

Lists all remote branches.

git branch -r


git branch -r

This command lists all branches available on the remote repository.

git branch -a

Lists all local and remote branches.

git branch -a


git branch -a

This command lists all local and remote branches in the repository.

Creating Branches

git branch <branch>

Creates a new branch with the specified name.

git branch <branch>


git branch feature-branch

This command creates a new branch named feature-branch.

Deleting Branches

git branch -d <branch>

Deletes a local branch safely, preventing deletion if it contains unmerged changes.

git branch -d <branch>


git branch -d feature-branch

This command deletes the feature-branch if it has been fully merged into the current branch.

git branch -D <branch>

Forcefully deletes a local branch, regardless of its merge status.

git branch -D <branch>


git branch -D feature-branch

This command forcefully deletes the feature-branch, even if it has unmerged changes.

Renaming Branches

git branch -m <old-branch> <new-branch>

Renames a local branch.

git branch -m <old-branch> <new-branch>


git branch -m old-feature-branch new-feature-branch

This command renames the local branch from old-feature-branch to new-feature-branch.

git branch -m <new-branch>

Renames the current branch.

git branch -m <new-branch>


git branch -m new-branch

This command renames the current branch to new-branch.

Switching Branches

git checkout <branch>

Switches to the specified branch.

git checkout <branch>


git checkout main

This command switches to the main branch.

git switch <branch>

Switches to the specified branch (alternative to git checkout).

git switch <branch>


git switch main

This command switches to the main branch using the git switch command.

Creating and Switching Branches

git checkout -b <branch>

Creates a new branch and switches to it.

git checkout -b <branch>


git checkout -b feature-branch

This command creates a new branch named feature-branch and switches to it.

git switch -c <branch>

Creates a new branch and switches to it (alternative to git checkout -b).

git switch -c <branch>


git switch -c feature-branch

This command creates a new branch named feature-branch and switches to it using the git switch command.

Tracking Remote Branches

git branch --track <branch> <remote>/<branch>

Creates a new local branch that tracks a remote branch.

git branch --track <branch> <remote>/<branch>


git branch --track feature-branch origin/feature-branch

This command creates a new local branch feature-branch that tracks the origin/feature-branch remote branch.


The git branch command is crucial for managing branches within your Git repository. It allows you to create, delete, rename, and list branches, as well as switch between them and track remote branches. For more detailed information on each command, refer to the official Git documentation.