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Git Submodule Tutorial


Git submodules allow you to include and manage repositories within other repositories. This is useful for including libraries or other dependencies in your project. This document will cover the basics of using git submodules with examples.

Table of Contents

  1. Adding a Submodule
  2. Cloning a Repository with Submodules
  3. Initializing and Updating Submodules
  4. Working with Submodules
  5. Removing a Submodule
  6. Useful Tips

Adding a Submodule

To add a submodule to your repository, use:

git submodule add <repository-url> <path>


git submodule add libs/library

This will add the library repository as a submodule in the libs/library directory.

Cloning a Repository with Submodules

When cloning a repository that contains submodules, use:

git clone --recurse-submodules <repository-url>


git clone --recurse-submodules

This will clone the project repository and initialize all its submodules.

Initializing and Updating Submodules

If you clone a repository without using --recurse-submodules, you need to initialize and update the submodules manually:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Or, you can use a single command:

git submodule update --init


git submodule update --init

This will initialize and update all submodules in the repository.

Working with Submodules

Checking the Status of Submodules

To check the status of submodules, use:

git submodule status


git submodule status

This will show the current commit for each submodule.

Pulling Changes in Submodules

To pull the latest changes in all submodules, use:

git submodule update --remote


git submodule update --remote

This will pull the latest changes from the submodules' remote repositories.

Committing Changes in Submodules

When you make changes in a submodule, you need to commit them within the submodule directory and then commit the updated submodule reference in the main repository.


  1. Change to the submodule directory and commit changes:

    cd libs/library
    git add .
    git commit -m "Update library"
  2. Change back to the main repository and commit the submodule reference update:

    cd ../..
    git add libs/library
    git commit -m "Update library submodule reference"

Removing a Submodule

To remove a submodule, you need to delete the submodule entry from the .gitmodules file, the submodule's directory, and the submodule entry in the .git/config file.


  1. Edit .gitmodules and remove the submodule entry:

    [submodule "libs/library"]
        path = libs/library
        url =
  2. Remove the submodule's directory and the .git/config entry:

    git rm -f libs/library
    rm -rf .git/modules/libs/library
    git commit -m "Remove library submodule"

Useful Tips

  • Syncing Submodules: To ensure your submodules are in sync with the repository, use:

    git submodule sync
  • Branch Tracking: To track a specific branch in a submodule, use:

    git config -f .gitmodules submodule.<path>.branch <branch>


    git config -f .gitmodules submodule.libs/library.branch main
  • Recurse Option: Many Git commands accept the --recurse-submodules option to perform actions recursively in submodules.


Git submodules are powerful for managing dependencies in your repositories. By understanding how to add, clone, update, and remove submodules, you can effectively manage projects that depend on other repositories.